Monday, June 30, 2008

June 27, 2008; Volume 04, Number 21

Click here for the audio file of today's program

Click here for a transcript of this program

Thanks for dropping by again this week. Out in the Mobile Studio again. This time in a new State Park. Have a look at the photos on the transcript. You'll be amazed.

This week has been relatively quiet in Japan's domestic politics and conduct of international relations. But there are a few things we simply can't ignore. Most important is Japan's response to the Bush Administration's decision to de-list North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. In return for an overdue "report" on their nuclear activities.

I'd hoped also to look briefly at the efforts of Upper House Member, Ichita Yamamoto, to revise the rules by which an LDP president is elected. Didn't get to it. It will have to wait until the next program.

Which, by the way, is scheduled for July 11th. Friday after next. Since the 4th is a holiday here.

Continue to send your comments and suggestions to me at

Oh, and have a look at the Google search facility that I've added to the main web page of the Japan Considered Project website, and to the main page of the Podcasts section. Let me know how it works for you. And thanks, Michael, for the suggestion!