Friday, February 29, 2008

February 29, 2008; Volume 04, Number 07

Click here for the audio file of today's program

Click here for a transcript of this program

Welcome again this Leap Year February 29th. Thanks for joining me again today. I've got a treat for you this week. Dr. Ed Lincoln agreed to provide us with some background and insight into the somewhat obscure issue of sovereign wealth funds. Some of Japan's reform-minded politicians have been promoting the idea for a while now. It looks as though they may be getting more attention in the next few months. So, we'd better know what they're talking about. Ed helps us sort through the issues involved.

Also, we return briefly to the tainted gyoza issue. As of today, it appears that the Chinese side can't continue to cooperate on this one. And that the Japanese side isn't willing to give them a pass. So ... earlier optimism appears misplaced. We'll see, though. It's a while before President Hu is scheduled to visit Tokyo.

As always, continue to send your comments and suggestions directly to me at I do read them all. Though the sharp increase in audience in recent months makes it impossible to respond directly to every one. They're helpful when planning new programs, and for background.