Friday, October 12, 2007

October 12, 2007. Volume 03, Number 36

Click here for the audio file of this program.

Click here for a transcript of this program.

Thanks for dropping by again. And for the e-mailed comments and suggestions for the program that you've taken the time to send. They're very helpful, and keep 'em coming! To

In response to your suggestions, I've added a trial website search window to the Japan Considered Project website home page. It's at the bottom of the page. Give it a try. It should allow you to search the website's contents for files that contain words and phrases you input. Let me know how it works.

This week we take a look at the latest round of bilateral talks between Japan and China on the East China Sea gas exploitation dispute. No progress in the talks. But I think they tell us something about Japan's new prime minister and cabinet.

Then we continue our consideration of the first 18 days of Yasuo Fukuda's premiership. With special attention to the implications of the style of his selection for his performance as prime minister.