Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 28, 2008; Volume 04, Number 15

Click here for the audio file of today's program

Click here for a transcript of this program

Surprise. A Monday program this week. Since there won't be time on Friday to produce a regular program. And just too many things are piling up in Tokyo for us to consider.

Today we'll look first at the journey of the Olympic Flame through Japan on Saturday. And the significance of what has to be described as a strange event for Japan's relations with Mainland China. All went well. Given conditions. And Beijing should be pleased. Very pleased, in fact.

Then we continue our examination of the various cross-factional associations that have blossomed within the LDP during recent months. This one, Mokusatsu Giren, likely to exercise the most influence over medium-term domestic political events in Japan. The potent combination of Yuriko Koike, Hidenao Nakagawa, and Junichiro Koizumi alone is enough to attract our attention. It appears that Yuriko Koike has gained some potent support in her "non-quest" for the LDP presidency and premiership.

Thanks for continuing to send your comments and suggestions to me at They're all appreciated. You certainly don't have to agree with my analysis to have your comments read and taken into consideration.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 18, 2008; Volume 04, Number 14

Click here for the audio file of today's program

Click here for a transcript of this program

Thanks for dropping by again this week. To you long-time listeners. And a hearty South Carolina welcome to those of you who have just joined us. Wow! The number of listeners -- and readers of the transcripts -- has made another jump during the past ten days. Good to see. I hope the program meets your expectations.

This week we begin by considering current relations between Japan and China. With focus on the Japan visit of China's foreign minister. For four days!

Then we begin our consideration of the new traditionalist and reformist cross-factional organizations within the LDP. We only had time to consider a few. So we'll be at this next program as well. So, tune in.

Continue to send your comments and suggestions for the program to me at I read them all, and appreciate every one. Still a bit behind on direct replies. But some of you will recognize implementation of suggestions you've made in the various programs.

It's the end of the semester at USC. So I will be unlikely to produce a program for April 25th. Day job has to come first! But I hope to be with you the following week. So stay tuned!