Friday, October 05, 2007

October 5, 2007. Volume 03; Number 35

Click here for the audio file of this program.

Click here for a transcript of today's program.

Thanks for dropping by. No program last week. But, hopefully, we're back on track now.

This time we return to Japan's international relations, with consideration of Tokyo's reaction to recent events on the Korean peninsula. The second round of the Six Party Talks, and the North-South Korean Summit meeting. Japan has a big stake in developments there.

Then we consider selection of Yasuo Fukuda as LDP president, and prime minister of Japan. How he was selected. What was expected; what was unexpected.

As always, continue to send your comments and suggestions to me at And click on over to the Japan Considered Project website for past podcast transcripts and audio files. And, links to useful English language web-based resources on Japan's domestic politics and conduct of international relations.