Friday, November 23, 2007

November 23, 2007. Volume 03, Number 42

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Click here for a transcript of this program.

Welcome again to this week's post-Thanksgiving Day Japan Considered Podcast. No Podcast next week, November 30th. I'll be traveling and won't have internet access most of the time. So, tune back in on December 7th.

This week has been busy again in Japan. Both domestically and internationally. We'll begin with preliminary discussion of Prime Minister Fukuda's trip to Singapore. And his important summit meetings there.

Then we'll shift to the domestic political scene, and an event that's received little notice. Comparatively. Election of Hideo Hiramatsu as Mayor of Osaka. Quite an interesting election. With important implications for Japan's national politics. Though perhaps not quite the implications we're reading in Japan's political press.

And finally, we'll consider one of the two puzzles I mentioned last week. And the week before! This one continuing -- even intensifying -- discussion of a "snap election." It simply doesn't make sense to me. So, let's discuss it in some detail.

So, until week after next, then. Continue to send your comments and suggestions for the program to me directly at I read them all, and reply to as many as possible. They are a great help when planning the topics for future programs.