Friday, April 13, 2007

April 13, 2007. Volume 03, Number 14

Click here for the audio file of this program.

Click here for a transcript of this program.

Welcome to another edition of the Japan Considered Podcast. I'm here again at Sesquicentennial State Park, "narrow-casting" from our Little Tin House, Aliner. Which has become something of a mobile studio. Hopefully, the sound this week will be better. Since we have several important topics to cover.

First, we'll consider passage of a Constitutional Referendum Bill through the Lower House, and its significance. Then we'll shift to post-election assessment of the prefectural and local unified elections held Sunday. What they tell us about Japan's political future. If anything. And finally, we'll consider the visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to Japan. What was accomplished. And what remains.

As always, send me your comments and suggestions for the program at I read them all, and try to respond to each one. Visit the Japan Considered Project website at Not much progress this week. But I was able to record an excellent interview with Gregg Rubinstein earlier in the week that will go up as soon as time permits.