June 6 , 2008; Volume 04, Number 18
Click here for the audio file of today's program
Click here for a transcript of this program
Welcome back for another program. This week we take a close look at the threat of a resolution of censure in Japan's Upper House. What it means; what it doesn't mean. And its effect.
Then we turn to international affairs with review of Japanese media focus last week on China allowing Japan to use SDF military aircraft in their relief efforts for China's earthquake. It didn't happen. But media coverage of the event had significance for Japan-China bilateral relations.
And we close with another clip from the Infamous Stringdusters' latest album, "Well, Well." A real winner.
Please continue to send your comments and suggestions for the program to me at RobertCAngel@gmail.com. I read them all, and take each one into consideration when planning future programs.