Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 11, 2007; Volume 03, Number 43

Click here for the audio file for today's program

Click here for a transcript of this program

Yes, that's right. Tuesday, December 11th. Delayed again by the day job!

This week we take a closer look at one international and one domestic political issue. Both seem to have longer-term significance for our understanding of just how Japan works.

First, we consider the sudden eruption of a flap over Beijing editing the published Chinese version of a "Joint Communique" issued at the end of the cabinet-level bilateral economic talks in Beijing held earlier this month.

Then we consider recent domestic political developments, with focus on debate over extension of the current Diet session. Looking at both ruling coalition and opposition actions and motivations, as well as the longer-term significance of all this.

As always, continue to send your comments and suggestions for the program directly to me at I read them all, and respond directly to as many as possible. They're a big help when planning future programs.