Friday, April 14, 2006

Volume 02, Number 15.

Click here for the audio file for this program.

Click here for a transcript of today's program.

Thanks for tuning in again, and for subscribing. I have to spend the latter half of next week in Washington, D.C. So there will be no Podcast on Friday, April 21. But I'll be back the Friday after that, April 28th. So stay subscribed.

This week we take a closer look at Ichiro Ozawa's first week as President of the Democratic Party of Japan. I focus on what his selection and presidency can tell us about the distinction between factionist and populist party leaders. Then we consider a surprising development in the North Korean abduction issues. And finally we take a web audio tour of this site, www.Japan

Best wishes for the Easter weekend, and drop back by on Friday, the 28th.