Friday, December 05, 2008

December 05 , 2008; Volume 04, Number 33

December 05 , 2008; Volume 04, Number 33

Click here for the audio file of today's program

Click here for a transcript of today's program

Back again. This time from the shore of beautiful Lake Wateree State Park. Producing the program from the Mobile Studio in an ideal setting. No excuse not to be upbeat today!

This week we look briefly at Japan's conduct of international relations. Focusing on the frenzied speculation in Japan's media about the effect of the incoming Obama Administration on U.S. relations with Japan. Then we consider very briefly some modest progress in the Six-Party Talks on North Korea's nuclearization plans.

Then we return to what has almost become "The Trials of Taro," with a look at recent developments -- perhaps significant -- within the Liberal Democratic Party. And how they are likely to affect Prime Minister Aso's future. The future of the LDP itself, for that matter! This includes appointment last week of Yoshinobu Shimamura as a spokesman assistant to Prime Minister Aso. An unexpected development that may or may not matter.

Thanks again for your cards and inquiries about the future of this program, and of the Japan Considered Project, after my retirement from the University of South Carolina. Response to both has been so encouraging that I plan to continue on. So, send your suggestions for the program, and for the overall project, that you can see at