July 14, 2008; Volume 04, Number 23
Click here for the audio file of today's program
Click here for a transcript of today's program
Just a quick hello this morning, to let you know Japan Considered Podcasts will be arriving only sporadically for the next few weeks. Until mid-August. Due to my travel schedule. WiFi's not always available in the more remote parts of the country. Though I'll check in on Japan's domestic political and international news when I can. And put up a program when the WiFi connection is especially good. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I should be gone by now. But just quick mention this week of three important topics. First, the effect of Japan's participation in the Toyako G- 8 Summit on domestic politics in Japan. Then, the Beijing meeting Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the six countries trying to work out a peaceful resolution of North Korea's nuclear provocations. And finally, brief mention of former Kochi Governor Daijiro Hashimoto's announcement that he's decided to form a new national political party. Before, not after, the next general election. Interesting development
I'll discuss all of these topics in more detail in the weeks and months to come. So, stay tuned, and continue to send your comments and suggestions for the program to me at RobertCAngel@gmail.com.