June 13, 2008; Volume 04, Number 19
Click here for the audio file of today's program
Click here for a transcript of this program
Greetings from the Mobile Studio parked at Lake Wateree State Recreation Area. Another opportunity to enjoy South Carolina's beautiful scenery and recreational water. Wish I could send some of it to you. A few photos are included in the transcript, though. So click on over and have a look.
This week we continue our consideration of the DPJ's decision finally to introduce a resolution of censure against Prime Minister Fukuda and his Cabinet in the Upper House. Things have gone pretty much as we expected last week. Not near the effect on Japan's national politics one would expect from reading the Japanese political media over the past year or so.
Then we return to political party system reorganization in Japan. With focus on Lower House Member Takeo Hiranuma's threats to create a new genuinely conservative political party. We didn't get very far beyond analysis of the environment within which this is taking place. Next week we'll focus more specifically on Hiranuma and why his effort may actually matter.
And we close -- nearly on time -- with another clip from the Infamous Stringduster's latest album. A great piece of work.
Thanks for your attention to the Japan Considered Podcast. Please continue to send your comments and suggestions to me directly at RobertCAngel@gmail.com. I read them all, and take each one into consideration when planning new programs. Mail has increased during the past couple of months. That's a good thing. Though I'm considerably behind on responses. Even if you don't receive a direct response, you can be sure I've read your contribution, and appreciate you taking the time and trouble