Volume 02, Number 26.
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Thanks for dropping by again this week. Sorry for the delay again with this program. I've got to develop a more efficient system for putting these together. Hopefully we'll return to Friday publication this week. Hopefully .....
This week we cover two items I hope will be of interest. The first is the Shiga gubernatorial election mentioned but not discussed last week. I describe how Japan's "Lady of the Lake," Professor Yuriko Kada, won that one and what it tells us about the future of Japan's electoral politics.
The second topic concerns the "Preemptive Attack Attack" Japan has experienced in the wake of North Korea's missile initiative. Quite a story of the relationship between domestic politics and foreign relations.
Continue to send your comments and suggestions to me at RobertCAngel@gmail.com. And visit the Japan Considered website at www.JapanConsidered.com.