May 5, 2006. Volume 02, Number 17
Click here for the audio file for today's program.
Click here for a transcript of today's program.
Welcome back again for another edition of the Japan Considered Podcast. This one was delayed due to technical difficulties. I apologize to those of you who tuned in earlier to find nothing available. Several loyal listeners e-mailed to tell me the link was broken. Thanks, and good to hear from you.
This has been Golden Week in Japan. Tokyo empties of most of its population, or at least its official and business population. Domestic political news dwindles to a trickle, providing public relations practitioners and political spinmasters with great opportunities.
So, this week I decided to focus on international developments, and, of course, on their domestic political implications. We begin with a review of Prime Minister Koizumi's tour of Ethiopia, Ghana, and Sweden, and reaction to that tour, from Japan and from China.
Then we review progress, or lack thereof, in the territorial dispute between South Korea and Japan over Takeshima, or Dokto.
Lots more to cover, but it will have to wait until next week, together with a look at the post-Golden Week Diet, which should be interesting this year.
As always, look around the Japan Considered website for useful resources, check out the program transcripts, and send your comments to me at