Friday, March 24, 2006

March 24, 2006. Volume 02, Number 12

Click here for the audio file of today's program.

Click here for the transcript of today's program.

Thanks for dropping by again this week. Send your comments and suggestions for the program to me at

And check the Japan Considered Project website for additional information related to Japan's domestic politics and international relations. I have added an interview with Professor John Campbell of the University of Michigan to the Interviews page. That makes a total of thirteen interviews, so far. John also has contributed an Occasional Paper to the collection.

This week we complete our consideration of the race to succeed Junichiro Koizumi as president of the Liberal Democratic Party, and prime minister. I describe how two groups, that I call the "Factionists" and the "Populists," are pursuing their agendas through the LDP presidential succession race, and then consider the significance of this for Japan's domestic politics and international relations.

Next week we will return to the regular program format, with commentary and analysis that focuses on three or four events of importance from the past week's news.

Here are links to individuals and organizations mentioned during today's program:

Liberal Democratic Party

Japan Considered Project

Rounder Records